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Clapping Game My Aunty Anna

Clapping Game, Language Play and Physical Play

My Aunty Anna is a game that combines rhyming, clapping and other physycal play.


At School 17

Players: 4
Age: 11

My Aunty Anna

Actions include clapping and doing the splits

'My Aunty Anna Plays the piana, 24 hours a day, SPLIT!'

When the word 'split' is chanted, each player jumps with their legs slightly further apart until they either fall over or are too sore to go any further.

At School 14

Players: do clapping and say rhyme, at the end of each time through they do the splits getting lower each time.
The first to lose balance or not be able to go any further loses.

Players: 3
Age: 8-9
Props: Nil

At School 09

Players: do clapping and say rhyme, at the end of each time through they do the splits getting lower each time.
The first to lose balance or not be able to go any further loses.

Players: 2
Age: 6
Props: Nil

These girls had a very simple clapping pattern, where they clapped each other's right hand with their right hand, then left hand with the left hand. They didn't clap their own hands together at all.

At School 18

Players: do clapping and say rhyme, at the end of each time through they do the splits getting lower each time.
The first to lose balance or not be able to go any further loses.

Players: 8+
Age: 11

At School 13

My Aunty Anna
My Aunty Anna, plays the piana, 24 hours a day (on this the girls jump moving their legs out a short distance)
My Aunty Anna, plays the piana, 24 hours a day ( as above but this time it is a bit further)
My Aunty Anna, plays the piana, 24 hours a day ( as above )
This continues until one of the girls falls over.

Players: 2
Age: 7-8

Played at

  • School 09

    The same variation as used elsewhere.

    Date: 2008

  • School 13
  • School 14

    Date: 2008

  • School 16

    Rhyme: My auntie Anna, Plays the piana, Twenty four hours a day Splits. On the word "splits" they jump and put their legs apart. The game goes on until one participant falls over. She is the loser

    Date: 2008

  • School 17

    Date: 2008

  • School 18

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