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    Playing a clapping game 'Miss Moo'

Clapping Game Miss Moo

Clapping Game, Language Play and Physical Play
Alternative Names
  • Miss Mop (The name given for a very similar game At School 05)

Miss Moo is a clapping and chanting game.


At School 02

The play takes place as the girls are waiting and preparing to go to class at the end of the lunch break.

They sit, along with the rest of the class on the ground and in the shade of a classroom. The girls are in a small group facing each other and perform the actions of the play while chanting the rhyme. There is clapping, defined arm/hand movements and at the end of the rhyme, the players 'freeze'. The player who does not move after this call of 'freeze' is the winner.

Players: 3
Age: 10

Words of clapping rhyme:


Miss Moo (Clap, clap, clap) Miss Moo (clap, clap, clap)
Miss Moo (clap) from California (clap)
She's sitting on the dunny
Watching Bugs Bunny

At School 05

Players: 2
Age: 11

Miss Mop (clap, clap, clap)
Miss Mop (clap, clap, clap)
Miss Mop from California,
Sitting in a tree,
Eating KFC*, (*Kentucky Fried Chicken)
Watching the clock go tick, tock, tick tock chawalla, (point upwards, move arms side to side)
Tick, tock, tick tock chawalla, (point upwards, move arms side to side)
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
Washing my knickers on my knee. (rub hands up and down thighs)
A-booshka, a- booshka, a- booshka,

(Players: freeze and stare at each other until someone moves.)

Played at