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School School 02

Queensland, Australia
Government Primary School and Primary School

School 02 is a Queensland, government, Prep - 7, metropolitan school visited by fieldworkers in a very hot week in late winter 2009. The school is located on one large site, with a very large, co-ed, student population of nearly 900 taught by fifty-three teachers. The student body is culturally diverse and of predominantly middle to high socio-economic background.

The playground is a complex site, with many different locations for children to play in. There are several adventure playgrounds, plenty of grassy open spaces, tennis courts, basketball courts and ball walls, all strictly policed by teachers on yard duty with regard to age and year level and banned activities. Some of this policing causes frustration amongst students and teachers because it is regarded as impossible to enforce and/or unnecessary.

The atmosphere was generally busy and happy with lots of play activity going on. There was no conflict, other than a disturbance when one group ran across the play of another. The presence of fieldworkers at this school was generally regarded by staff as an imposition, although parents and children were very interested in the activity.