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    Girl doing a cartwheel

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    A game called 'The Greatest' that involves a lot of physical challenges

Miscellaneous Physical Play Handstands and Cartwheels

Forbidden Game and Physical Play
Alternative Names
  • Wheelbarrows (At School 12)

Children perform usual handstands and cartwheeling activity.


At School 14

The activity was thought to be forbidden.

Players: 3
Age: 10
Props: Nil

At School 07

Players: 2
Age: 9
Props: Nil

At School 01

Players: 4
Age: 9
Props: Nil

At School 02

Players: 5
Age: 10
Props: Nil

A particular variation of this was played by 2 girls from Age: 4. Two girls were practising a trick - the first girl jumps up into the second girl's arms, then the second girl flings her around her back (like a rock and roll dance move), grabs her legs and then lowers her into a handstand.

At School 08

Players: 3
Age: 9
Props: Tree trunk

This boy cart-wheeled along the line of the fence between the school and the oval and then ran off and up the trunk of the tree in much the same way as Gene Kelly in Three Musketeers Movie and then did the same again. The other boys said they were playing running up the tree and then called it Tai Kwan Do. Then the boy did the cart-wheel again. So they may have been emulating things they had seen in contemporary martial arts movies (Jackie Chan style).

At School 06

Players: 3
Age: 10

'Gymnastics' - display of gymnastic manoeuvres - Handstands, Cartwheels and Bridges

At School 12

Players: 2
Age: 6 -7


Two girls going slowly, one holding the other's feet while she walked along on her hands, being a 'wheelbarrow'.
The girls walked a short distance and then the 'wheelbarrow' became tired and her arms gave way and she collapsed onto the grass. They both laughed and then swapped places and did it again.


Players: 2
Age: 10-11

Two girls were observed doing cartwheels together down the shallow, wide steps at the end of the oval. They were synchronising their movements so they both started from the top step and landed on the same step at the same time. They had a couple of practices, and finally turned a cartwheel together with perfect timing, then they stopped.

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