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Miscellaneous Physical Play What's the Time Mr Wolf?

Chasing Game, Language Play and Physical Play

What's the Time Mr Wolf? is a game of call and answer. The person who is 'it' stands out the front with their back to the others and the others take a step forward and chant 'What's the time Mr Wolfe'. Person 'It' chooses a time of day (perhaps nine o'clock) and the others take another step forward and ask again, 'What's the time Mr Wolf'. 'It' chooses another time of day (perhaps three o'clock). The others take another step forward and ask again, 'What's the time Mr Wolf'. 'It' can choose another time of day to bring them closer or say 'dinner time' and chase them back to base. If they catch one of the others the one they catch becomes 'it' and the game starts again.


At School 19

Players: 2
Age: 8

At School 18

Players: 2
Girls and Boys
Age: 6

On painted Giraffe on concrete.

Played at

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