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Chasing Game Octopus Tiggy

Chasing Game

In Octopus Tiggy, players chase each other in defined areas. If you are tigged, you have to stand still and wave your arms and stay seaweed. Seaweed players can be rescued if another player crawls under their legs to free them without being tgged. If you are tigged doing this, you are 'it'.


At School 11

Players: 10+
Girls and Boys
Age: 6-7

The players nominated a person to be the 'octopus'. The 'octopus' had to catch the rest of the players as they ran from one end of nominated area across to the other. If they were caught, they had to stop in the place where they were touched. They helped the octopus catch the rest of the players by standing in their spot and waving their arms around. If the other runners were touched by these 'waving arms' they were caught and had to do same. The last person
left in the game, became the new 'octopus'.

Played at

  • School 11
  • School 17

    Is played between two fences. Each of the fences serves as a safe place and players run between the two fences. Of note is that 'barley' (or safe place to rest) is used rarely. As a number of students relayed, barley is only established when there is a general consensus that players are getting tired. There appeared to be no favoured barley areas.

    Date: 2008

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